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Hege Nyhus Skytte
Exploring metabolic risk profiles related to overweight and obesity in pregnancy: Longitudinal studies of pregnancy complications
Disputert: Mai 2024
Hovedveileder: Trond M. Michelsen

Sølvi Taraldsen
Managing health consequences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)
Disputert: Desember 2023
Hovedveileder: Ingvil K. Sørbye

Cassia Bree Trewin-Nybråten
Changing socioeconomic patterns of breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Norway
Disputert: Februar 2023
Hovedveileder: Giske Ursin, Bjørn Heine Strand​

Sukhjeet Bains
Maternity care for recently migrated women in Oslo, Norway
Disputert: Juni 2022
Hovedveileder: Ingvil K. Sørbye

Gun Lisbet Opheim
Fetal blood flow adjustments related to maternal nutritional status and food intake
Disputert: April 2021
Hovedveileder: Guttorm Haugen

Hilde Halland
Fitness in fatness - associations with cardiovascular risk factors and subclinical disease
Disputert: Mai 2019
Hovedveileder: Eva Gerdts

Linn Marie Sørbye
Maternal weight, weight change and perinatal outcomes: Can physical activity and gestational weight gain modify the risk?
Disputert: Februar 2019
Hovedveileder: Nils-Halvdan Morken

Cecilie Heramb
Hereditary breast cancer in South-Eastern Norway
Disputert: November 2018
Hovedveileder: Lovise O. Mæhle

Andrea Milde Øhrn
Unrecognized Myocardial Infarction - Pain tolerance, prognosis and pathogenesis in men and women
Disputert: Mars 2018
Hovedveileder: Haakon Lindekleiv

Guri Bårdstu Majak
Pregnancy in kidney transplanted women: outcomes and effects on long-term maternal health and graft survival
Disputert: Januar 2018
Hovedveileder: Trond M. Michelsen

Lill Trine Nyfløt
Risk factors for severe postpartum hemorrhage. A case-control study
Disputert: Mai 2017
Hovedveileder: Siri Vangen

Babak Asadi-Azarbaijani
The quality of cryopreserved ovarian tissue used for fertility preservation in pediatric and young adult cancer patients
Disputert: Mars 2017
Hovedveiledere: Irma C. Oskam, Kirsi Jahnukainen

Kåre Rønn Richardsen
Physical activity during pregnancy through postpartum: A study of predictive and explanatory factors in a multi-ethnic population
Disputert: Januar 2017
Hovedveileder: Anne Karen Jenum

Marte Myhre Reigstad
Risk of cancer after fertility treatment in Norway
Disputert: November 2016
Hovedveileder: Ritsa Storeng

Anne Lise Helgesen
Vulvovaginal photodynamic therapy in genital erosive lichen planus
Disputert: Oktober 2016
Hovedveileder: Petter Gjersvik

Mette Haug Stensen
Ovarian ageing: Clinical and molecular derangements during reproductive ageing in women
Disputert: Februar 2016
Hovedveileder: Peter Fedorcsak

Kathrine F. Vandraas
Hyperemesis gravidarum: Exploring the potential consequences for mothers and their offspring
Disputert: November 2015
Hovedveileder: Andrej Grjibovski

Lina Herstad
Maternal age and delivery at term: a population-based study of low-risk primiparous women
Disputert: Juni 2015
Hovedveileder: Siri Vangen

Karoline Lerang
An epidemiological study of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Health care, occurrence and mortality
Disputert: April 2015
Hovedveileder: Jan Tore Gran

Ingvil Krarup Sørbye
Length of residence and pregnancy outcomes in women of migrant origin
Disputert: Desember 2014
Hovedveileder: Siri Vangen

Anne Helbig
Maternal psychological distress and the placental circulation
Disputert: Oktober 2014
Hovedveileder: Guttorm Haugen

Kathrine Frey Frøslie
Application of path analysis and functional data analysis in a longitudinal, clinical cohort study of pregnant women and their neonates
Disputert: Juni 2014
Hovedveileder: Marit B. Veierød

Hans Kristian Opøien
Endometriosis - Its effect on women undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment
Disputert: Februar 2014
Hovedveileder: Tom Tanbo

Line Kristin Johnson
Dietary intake and vitamin status in severely obese Norwegian patients seeking weight loss treatment
Disputert: Juni 2013
Hovedveileder: Jøran Hjelmesæth

Mette-Elise Estensen
Left ventricular function and systemic arterial properties in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy
Disputert: Januar 2013
Hovedveiledere: Svend Aakhus, Tore Henriksen

Abdou Jammeh
Adverse birth outcomes in rural Gambia; impact of obstetric complications and barriers to emergency obstetric care
Disputert: Desember 2012
Hovedveiledere: Johanne Sundby, Siri Vangen

Soen Eng Yap
Maternal health among Pakistani immigrants. Infections, post-partum depression and HLA class II genetics
Disputert: Oktober 2012
Hovedveiledere: Babill Stray-Pedersen, Siri Vangen

Anna Polec
Peri-ovulatory tissue reorganization in the human ovary
Disputert: Desember 2011
Hovedveileder: Peter Fedorcsak

Anne Kaasen
Stress reactions and genetic counseling following detection of structural fetal anomalies at ultrasound examination
Disputert: Juni 2011
Hovedveileder: Guttorm Haugen

Yuan Yuan
Diagnostic and prognostic markers of cancers involving the serosal cavities
Disputert: Desember 2010
Hovedveiledere: Ben Davidson, Claes G. Tropé

Iqbal Al-Zirqi
Severe Obstetric Haemorrhage
Disputert: Desember 2010
Hovedveiledere: Siri Vangen, Babill Stray-Pedersen

Åse Vigdis Vikanes
Causes of hyperemesis gravidarum
Disputert: September 2010
Hovedveiledere: Per Magnus, Siri Vangen

Trond Melbye Michelsen
Long term somatic and psychosocial morbidity after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy in women at risk for hereditary breast ovarian cancer
Disputert: Mai 2010
Hovedveiledere: Anne Dørum, Alv A. Dal

Nanna Voldner
Modifiable determinants of newborn macrosomia and birth complications
Disputert: Januar 2010
Hovedveileder: Tore Henriksen

Mamady Cham
Availability and quality of maternity care services in The Gambia: Its impact on maternal and fetal outcomes
Disputert: Desember 2009
Hovedveiledere: Johanne Sundby, Siri Vangen

Last updated 7/3/2024