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Publisert i 2024

Factors associated with change in arterial stiffness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the JointHeart study.
Linde A, Gerdts E, Fevang BT, Eilertsen RK, Kringeland E, Alsing CL, Midtbø H.
Blood Press. 2024 May 9;33(1):2353167.

Menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk: a population-based cohort study of 1.3 million women in Norway.
Støer NC, Vangen S, Singh D, Fortner RT, Hofvind S, Ursin G, Botteri E.
Br J Cancer. 2024 May 13.  Online ahead of print.

Women's information needs about menopause: a cross-sectional survey in Norwegian general practice.
Natvik M, Gjelsvik B, Vangen S, Skjeie H, Brekke M.
BJGP Open. 2024 Apr 25;8(1):BJGPO.2023.0127

Early suppression policies protected pregnant women from COVID-19 in 2020: A population-based surveillance from the Nordic countries.
Varpula R, Äyräs O, Aabakke AJM, Klungsøyr K, Svanvik T, Kanerva J, Jonasdottir E, Mentzoni CT, Thurn L, Jones E, Fredriksson L, Pettersson K, Nyfløt LT, Vangen S, Røe K, Júlíusson PB, Källén K, Gissler M, Pyykönen A, Jakobsson M, Krebs L, Engjom HM.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2024 Jun;103(6):1063-1072

Publisert i 2023

Epidemiology of forearm fractures in women and men in Norway 2008-2019.
Andreasen C, Dahl C, Solberg LB, Borgen TT, Wisløff T, Gjertsen JE, Figved W, Stutzer JM, Nissen FI, Nordsletten L, Frihagen F, Bjørnerem Å, Omsland TK.
Osteoporos Int. 2024 Apr;35(4):625-633

Maternal metabolic profiling across body mass index groups: An exploratory longitudinal study.
Skytte HN, Roland MCP, Christensen JJ, Holven KB, Lekva T, Gunnes N, Michelsen TM.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2024 Mar;103(3):540-550

Svangerskap, fødsel og barseltid – mer enn bare overlevelse.
Miltenburg AS, Bains S, Strøm-Roum EM, Vartdal VW, Sørbye IK, Alnæs-Katjavivi P, Sundby J, Nyfløt LT.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2023 Oct 12;143(15). ​​​​​​​

Intended, Unintended, Unanticipated? Consequences of Social Distancing Measures for Nursing Home Residents During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Tingvold L, Moholt JM, Førland O, Jacobsen FF, Tranvåg O.
Glob Qual Nurs Res. 2023 May 28;10:23333936231176204.

Risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in twin- and singleton-born women: An inter-generational cohort study.
Basnet P, Skjaerven R, Harmon QE, Sørbye LM, Morken NH, Singh A, Klungsøyr K, Kvalvik LG.
BJOG. 2024 May;131(6):750-758​.

Trends in Term Intrapartum Stillbirth in Norway.
Murzakanova G, Räisänen S, Jacobsen AF, Yli BM, Tingleff T, Laine K.
JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Sep 5;6(9):e2334830.

Dietary treatment postpartum in women with obesity reduces weight and prevents weight gain: a randomised controlled trial.
Øhman EA, Fossli M, Ottestad I, Holven KB, Ulven SM, Løland BF, Brekke HK.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 Sep 26;23(1):695.

Women's information needs about menopause: a cross-sectional survey in Norwegian general practice.
Natvik M, Gjelsvik B, Vangen S, Skjeie H, Brekke M.
BJGP Open. 2024 Jan 24:BJGPO.2023.0127

Birthweight of the subsequent singleton pregnancy following a first twin or singleton pregnancy.
Basnet P, Skjaerven R, Harmon QE, Wilcox AJ, Klungsøyr K, Sørbye LM, Morken NH, Kvalvik LG.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023 Dec;102(12):1674-1681

Reliability and agreement in intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring interpretation: A systematic review.
Hernandez Engelhart C, Gundro Brurberg K, Aanstad KJ, Pay ASD, Kaasen A, Blix E, Vanbelle S.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023 Aug;102(8):970-985​.

Validation of forearm fracture diagnoses in administrative patient registers.
Omsland TK, Solberg LB, Bjørnerem Å, Borgen TT, Andreasen C, Wisløff T, Hagen G, Basso T, Gjertsen JE, Apalset EM, Figved W, Stutzer JM, Nissen FI, Hansen AK, Joakimsen RM, Figari E, Peel G, Rashid AA, Khoshkhabari J, Eriksen EF, Nordsletten L, Frihagen F, Dahl C.
Arch Osteoporos. 2023 Aug 24;18(1):111.

Neonatal outcomes associated with time from a high fetal blood lactate concentration to operative delivery.
Berge MB, Kessler J, Yli BM, Staff AC, Gunnes N, Jacobsen AF.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023 Aug;102(8):1106-1114​.

Perineal tear and childbirth-related posttraumatic stress: A prospective cohort study.
Baumann S, Staudt A, Horesh D, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A.
Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2023 Aug 7​. Online ahead of print.

Association of oxytocin augmentation and duration of labour with postpartum haemorrhage: A cohort study of nulliparous women.
Bernitz S, Betran AP, Gunnes N, Zhang J, Blix E, Øian P, Eggebø TM, Dalbye R.
Midwifery. 2023 Aug;123:103705.

Forearm fractures - are we counting them all? An attempt to identify and include the missing fractures treated in primary care.
Dahl C, Ohm E, Solbakken SM, Anwar N, Holvik K, Madsen C, Frihagen F, Bjørnerem Å, Igland Nissen F, Solberg LB, Omsland TK.
Scand J Prim Health Care. 2023 Sep;41(3):247-256​

Pregnancy complications in last pregnancy and mothers' long-term cardiovascular mortality: does the relation differ from that of complications in first pregnancy? A population-based study.
Seid AK, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Kvalvik LG, Sorbye LM, Vatten LJ, Skjærven R.
BMC Womens Health. 2023 Jul 4;23(1):355​.

​ 'Goodbye and good luck' Midwifery care to pregnant undocumented migrants in Norway: A qualitative study.
Voldner N, Eick F, Vangen S.
Sex Reprod Healthc. 2023 Sep;37:100878

Birthweight in Consecutive Pregnancies and Long-Term Maternal Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among Spontaneous and Iatrogenic Term Births: A Population-Based Cohort Study.
Sima YT, Skjaerven R, Kvalvik LG, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Mannseth J, Sørbye LM.
Am J Epidemiol. 2023 Aug 4;192(8):1326-1334. ​​

​Tvillinggravide får ikke optimal profylakse mot pre-eklampsi.
Laine K, Tingleff T.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2023 May 29;143(8)​.

Exploring trends of severe postpartum haemorrhage: a hospital-based study.
Pettersen S, Falk RS, Vangen S, Nyfløt LT.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 May 19;23(1):363​.

Time-varying exposure to anti-osteoporosis drugs and risk of first-time hip fracture: a population wide study within the Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS).
Riska BSL, Gunnes N, Stigum H, Finnes TE, Meyer HE, Omsland TK, Holvik K.
Osteoporos Int. 2023 Aug;34(8):1369-1379​.​​

Is There a Causal Relationship Between Physical Activity and Bone Microarchitecture? A Study of Adult Female Twin Pairs.
Nissen FI, Esser VFC, Bui M, Li S, Hopper JL, Bjørnerem Å, Hansen AK.
J Bone Miner Res. 2023 Jul;38(7):951-957​.

Early labour experience and labour characteristics after introduction of an electronic early labour educational intervention.
Myhre EL, Lukasse M, Dahl B, Reigstad MM.
Sex Reprod Healthc. 2023 Mar;35:100821​.

Pregnancies in Women with a Previous Complete Uterine Rupture.
Al-Zirqi I, Vangen S.
Obstet Gynecol Int. 2023 Feb 9;2023:9056489​

Time trends in caesarean section rates and associations with perinatal and neonatal health: a population-based cohort study of 1 153 789 births in Norway.
Laine K, Pay AD, Yli BM.
BMJ Open. 2023 Feb 1;13(2):e069562​.

​Haemostatic support in postpartum haemorrhage: A review of the literature and expert opinion.
Hofer S, Blaha J, Collins PW, Ducloy-Bouthors AS, Guasch E, Labate F, Lança F, Nyfløt LT, Steiner K, Van de Velde M.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023 Jan 1;40(1):29-38​.

Metabolic profiling of pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia: A longitudinal study.
Skytte HN, Christensen JJ, Gunnes N, Holven KB, Lekva T, Henriksen T, Michelsen TM, Roland MCP.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023 Mar;102(3):334-343.​​​

Framework for Patient and Informal Caregiver Participation in Research (PAICPAIR) Part 2.
Staats K, Grov EK, Tranvåg O.
ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2024 Apr-Jun 01;47(2):188-201​. ​​​

Predictors and comorbidity patterns of maternal birth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms: A Latent Class Analysis.
Staudt A, Baumann S, Horesh D, Eberhard-Gran M, Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S.​
Psychiatry Res. 2023 Feb;320:115038.

Intrapartum pudendal nerve block analgesia and childbirth experience in primiparous women with vaginal birth: A cohort study.
Waldum ÅH, Lukasse M, Staff AC, Falk RS, Sørbye IK, Jacobsen AF.
Birth. 2023 Mar;50(1):182-191.​​​ ​​​​

A​ntidepressant Fill and Dose Trajectories in Pregnant Women with Depression and/or Anxiety: A Norwegian Registry Linkage Study.
Trinh NTH, Nordeng HME, Bandoli G, Palmsten K, Eberhard-Gran M, Lupattelli A.
Clin Epidemiol. 2022 Dec 5;14:1439-1451​. eCollection 2022.

​Exploring the impact of indication on variation in rates of intrapartum caesarean section in six Palestinian hospitals: a prospective cohort study.
Zimmo MW, Laine K, Hassan S, Bottcher B, Fosse E, Ali-Masri H, Zimmo K, Falk RS, Lieng M, Vikanes A.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Dec 2;22(1):892.

​Different pathways for preterm birth between singleton and twin pregnancies: a population-based registry study of 481 176 nulliparous women.
Tingleff T, Räisänen S, Vikanes Å, Sandvik L, Sugulle M, Murzakanova G, Laine K.​
BJOG. 2023 Mar;130(4):387-395. ​

Ingen grunn til endring av anbefalinger om fosterovervåkning.
Kessler J, Yli BM, Overrein H, Laine K.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2022 Nov 7;142(16​)​.

Caesarean sections among immigrant women with different levels of education.
Ottesen HS, Sørbye IK, Lindskog BV, Vangen S, Sundby J, Owe KM.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2022 Nov 21;142(17)​.
H.S. Ottesen og medarbeidere svarer: Ottesen HS, Sørbye IK, Owe KM.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2023 Jan 30;143(2)​.

Maternal mortality in eight European countries with enhanced surveillance systems: descriptive population based study.
Diguisto C, Saucedo M, Kallianidis A, Bloemenkamp K, Bødker B, Buoncristiano M et al.
BMJ 2022; 379 :e07062​.
BMJ Editorial:
Accurate surveillance of maternal deaths is an international priority.

​​​​​​​Short-term safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines with respect to all-cause mortality in the older population in Norway.
Lopez-Doriga Ruiz P, Gunnes N, Michael Gran J, Karlstad Ø, Selmer R, Dahl J, Bøås H, Aubrey White R, Christine Hofman A, Hessevik Paulsen T, Viksmoen Watle S, Hylen Ranhoff A, Bukholm G, Løvdal Gulseth H, Tapia G.
Vaccine. 2023 Jan 9;41(2):323-332​.

Study protocol for the BUSCopan in LABor (BUSCLAB) study: A randomized placebo-controlled trial investigating the effect of butylscopolamine bromide to prevent prolonged labor.
Sørbye IK, Gaudernack LC, Einarsen A, Rosseland LA, Lukasse M, Gunnes N, Michelsen TM.
PLoS One. 2022 Nov 3;17(11):e0276613​.

​​Maternal body mass index and placental weight: a role for fetal insulin, maternal insulin and leptin.
Kristiansen O, Roland MC, Zucknick M, Reine TM, Kolset SO, Henriksen T, Lekva T, Michelsen T.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2022 Nov;45(11):2105-2121​.

Uteroplacental versus fetal use of glucose in healthy pregnancies at term. A human in vivo study.
Henriksen T, Roland MCP, Sajjad MU, Haugen G, Michelsen TM.
Placenta. 2022 Oct;128:116-122​.

Use of non-governmental maternity services and pregnancy outcomes among undocumented women: a cohort study from Norway.
Eick F, Vallersnes OM, Fjeld HE, Sørbye IK, Storkås G, Ekrem M, Børmer M, Løberg SA, Ebbing C, Voldner N, Dahl C.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Oct 24;22(1):789​.

Long-term cardiovascular mortality in women with twin pregnancies by lifetime reproductive history.
Basnet P, Skjaerven R, Sørbye LM, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Singh A, Mannseth J, Harmon QE, Kvalvik LG.
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023 Jan;37(1):19-27.​

Haemostatic support in postpartum haemorrhage: A review of the literature and expert opinion.
Hofer S, Blaha J, Collins PW, Ducloy-Bouthors AS, Guasch E, Labate F, Lança F, Nyfløt LT, Steiner K, Van de Velde M.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2023 Jan 1;40(1):29-38.​

Biomarkers of inflammation and left ventricular remodelling in psoriasis patients treated with infliximab.
Midtbø H, Kringeland E, Gerdts E, Ueland PM, Meyer K, Linde A, Ulvik A, Jonsson R, Tveit KS.
Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2022 Jan-Dec;36:3946320221111131​.

​​​Nucleation status of Day 2 pre-implantation embryos, acquired by time-lapse imaging during IVF, is associated with live birth.
Sayed S, Reigstad MM, Petersen BM, Schwennicke A, Hausken JW, Storeng R.
PLoS One. 2022 Sep 22;17(9):e0274502.

Risk of obstetric anal sphincter injury associated with female genital mutilation/cutting and timing of deinfibulation.
Taraldsen S, Vangen S, Øian P, Sørbye IK.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022 Oct;101(10):1163-1173.

A conceptual model for managing sexual pain with somatocognitive therapy in women with provoked vestibulodynia and implications for physiotherapy practice.
Kaarbø MB, Danielsen KG, Helgesen ALO, Wojniusz S, Haugstad GK.
Physiother Theory Pract. 2022 Jul 10:1-14.​

Maternal beta-blocker dose and risk of small-for gestational-age in women with heart disease.
Sørbye IK, Haualand R, Wiull H, Letting AS, Langesaeter E, Estensen ME.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022 Jul;101(7):794-802.

​Placenta-derived proteins across gestation in healthy pregnancies-a novel approach to assess placental function?
Degnes ML, Westerberg AC, Zucknick M, Powell TL, Jansson T, Henriksen T, Roland MCP, Michelsen TM.
BMC Med. 2022 Jul 1;20(1):227​.

Antidepressant and mental health care utilization in pregnant women with depression and/or anxiety: An interrupted time-series analysis.
Trinh NTH, Nordeng HME, Bandoli G, Eberhard-Gran M, Lupattelli A.
J Affect Disord. 2022 Jul 1;308:458-465.

Peripartum hysterectomy due to severe postpartum hemorrhage: A hospital-based study.
Pettersen S, Falk RS, Vangen S, Nyfløt LT.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022 Jul;101(7):819-826.

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents.
Karlstad Ø, Hovi P, Husby A, Härkänen T, Selmer RM, Pihlström N, Hansen JV, Nohynek H, Gunnes N, Sundström A, Wohlfahrt J, Nieminen TA, Grünewald M, Gulseth HL, Hviid A, Ljung R.
JAMA Cardiol. 2022 Jun 1;7(6):600-612.

Substantial decrease in preeclampsia prevalence and risk over two decades: A population-based study of 1,153,227 deliveries in Norway.
Sole KB, Staff AC, Räisänen S, Laine K.
Pregnancy Hypertens. 2022 Jun;28:21-27.

Menopausal hormone therapy and melanoma risk in the Australian longitudinal study on women's health.
Botteri E, Xu Z, Støer NC, Mishra GD.
Maturitas. 2022 Jun;160:1-3.

Practice, skills and experience with the Pinard stethoscope for intrapartum Foetal monitoring: Focus group interviews with Norwegian midwives.
Engelhart CH, Nilsen ABV, Pay ASD, Maude R, Kaasen A, Blix E.
Midwifery. 2022 May;108:103288.

Target Values and Daytime Variation of Bone Turnover Markers in Monitoring Osteoporosis Treatment After Fractures.
Borgen TT, Solberg LB, Lauritzen T, Apalset EM, Bjørnerem Å, Eriksen EF.
JBMR Plus. 2022 May 9;6(6):e10633.

Contribution of an extensive medication-based comorbidity index (Rx-Risk) in explaining the excess mortality after hip fracture in older Norwegians: a NOREPOS cohort study.
Holvik K, Hjellvik V, Karlstad Ø, Gunnes N, Hoff M, Tell GS, Meyer HE.
BMJ Open. 2022 May 2;12(5):e057823.

Cesarean delivery in Norwegian nulliparous women with singleton cephalic term births, 1967-2020: a population-based study.
Sima YT, Skjærven R, Kvalvik LG, Morken NH, Klungsøyr K, Sørbye LM.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 May 18;22(1):419.

Preconception leisure-time physical activity and family history of stroke and myocardial infarction associate with preterm delivery: findings from a Norwegian cohort.
Engen T, Owe KM, Horn J, Sulo G, Næss ØE, Juliusson PB, Morken NH, Egeland GM.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Apr 20;22(1):341.

Quantitative User Data From a Chatbot Developed for Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Observational Study.
Sagstad MH, Morken NH, Lund A, Dingsør LJ, Nilsen ABV, Sorbye LM.
JMIR Form Res. 2022 Apr 18;6(4):e28091.

Feasibility and acceptability of somatocognitive therapy in the management of women with provoked localized vestibulodynia-ProLoVe feasibility study.
Kaarbø MB, Danielsen KG, Haugstad GK, Helgesen ALO, Wojniusz S.
Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2022 Mar 23;8(1):68.

Prediagnostic serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and leptin in relation to melanoma-specific death and overall death.
Stenehjem JS, Støer NC, Ghiasvand R, Grimsrud TK, Babigumira R, Rees JR, Nilsen LT, Johnsen B, Thorsby PM, Veierød MB, Robsahm TE.
Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2022 Mar;35(2):280-284​.

Depressive symptoms and experiences of birthing mothers during COVID-19 pandemic.
Eberhard-Gran M, Engelsen LY, Al-Zirqi I, Vangen S.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2022 Feb 4;142(3).

Perinatal mental health: how nordic data sources have contributed to existing evidence and future avenues to explore.
Karalexi MA, Eberhard-Gran M, Valdimarsdóttir UA, Karlsson H, Munk-Olsen T, Skalkidou A.
Nord J Psychiatry. 2022 Aug;76(6):423-432.

​European guidelines on perinatal care - Peripartum care Episiotomy.
Laine K, Yli BM, Cole V, Schwarz C, Kwee A, Ayres-de-Campos D, Vayssiere C, Roth E, Gliozheni E, Savochkina Y, Ivanisevic M, Kalis V, Timonen S, Verspyck E, Anstaklis P, Beke A, Eriksen BH, Santo S, Kavsek G, Duvekot H, Dadak C.
J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 Dec;35(25):8797-8802.​​

Association between maternal country of birth and preterm birth: A population-based register study of 910,752 deliveries.
Tingleff T, Räisänen S, Vikanes Å, Sandvik L, Laine K.
Scand J Public Health. 2021 Dec;49(8):904-913.

Cortical bone structure of the proximal femur and incident fractures.
Nissen FI, Andreasen C, Borgen TT, Bjørnerem Å, Hansen AK.
Bone. 2022 Feb;155:116284.

Bone Phenotyping Approaches in Human, Mice and Zebrafish – Expert Overview of the EU Cost Action GEMSTONE (“GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal NEtwork”).
Foessl I, Duncan Bassett JH, Bjørnerem Å, Busse B, Calado Â, Chavassieux P, Christou M, Douni E, Fiedler IAK, Fonseca JE, Hassler E, Högler W, Kague E, Karasik D, Khashayar P, Langdahl BL, Leitch VD, Lopes P, Markozannes G, McGuigan FEA, Medina-Gomez C, Ntzani E, Oei L, Ohlsson C, Szulc P, Tobias JH, Trajanoska K, Tuzun S, Valjevac A, van Rietbergen B, Williams GR, Zekic T, Rivadeneira F, Obermayer-Pietsch B.
Front. Endocrinol., 01 December 2021

Integrated knowledge translation in nursing homes: exploring the experiences of practice development nurses.
Steinskog TD, Tranvåg O, Ciliska D, Nortvedt MW, Graverholt B.
BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Nov 29;21(1):1283.

Risk of preterm birth in relation to history of preterm birth: a population-based registry study of 213 335 women in Norway.
Tingleff T, Vikanes Å, Räisänen S, Sandvik L, Murzakanova G, Laine K.
BJOG. 2022 May;129(6):900-907.

Obstetric anal sphincter injury by maternal origin and length of residence: a nationwide cohort study.
Sørbye IK, Bains S, Vangen S, Sundby J, Lindskog B, Owe KM.
BJOG. 2022 Feb;129(3):423-431.
Authors' reply re: Obstetric anal sphincter injury by maternal origin and length of residence.
Sørbye IK, Bains S, Owe KM.
BJOG. 2022 Jun;129(7):1176-1177.

Dysregulated non-coding telomerase RNA component and associated exonuclease XRN1 in leucocytes from women developing preeclampsia-possible link to enhanced senescence.
Lekva T, Roland MCP, Estensen ME, Norwitz ER, Tilburgs T, Henriksen T, Bollerslev J, Normann KR, Magnus P, Olstad OK, Aukrust P, Ueland T.
Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 5;11(1):19735.

Female genital cutting in women living in Norway - consequences and treatment.
Taraldsen S, Owe KM, Bødtker AS, Bjørntvedt IW, Eide BM, Sandberg M, Hagemann CT, Øian P, Vangen S, Sørbye IK.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2021 Oct 25;141(2021-15).

Development of and Experiences With an Informational Website on Early Labor: Qualitative User Involvement Study.
Myhre EL, Garnweidner-Holme L, Dahl B, Reigstad MM, Lukasse M.
JMIR Form Res. 2021 Sep 27;5(9):e28698.

Pregnancy and postpartum psychiatric episodes in fathers: A population-based study on treatment incidence and prevalence.
Madsen KB, Mægbæk ML, Thomsen NS, Liu X, Eberhard-Gran M, Skalkidou A, Bergink V, Munk-Olsen T.
J Affect Disord. 2022 Jan 1;296:130-135.

Challenges and barriers to optimal maternity care for recently migrated women - a mixed-method study in Norway.
Bains S, Skråning S, Sundby J, Vangen S, Sørbye IK, Lindskog BV.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Oct 7;21(1):686.

Menopausal hormone therapy and risk of melanoma: a population-based cohort study.
Støer NC, Botteri E, Busund M, Ghiasvand R, Vangen S, Lund E, Weiderpass E, Veierød MB.
Br J Dermatol. 2021 Dec;185(6):1266-1267

Severe recalled labor pain and elective cesarean section in a subsequent delivery: a cohort study of Norwegian parous women.
Junge C, von Soest T, Seidler A, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021 Sep;100(9):1678-1687.

Prenatal insomnia and childbirth-related PTSD symptoms: A prospective population-based cohort study.
Deforges C, Noël Y, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A.
J Affect Disord. 2021 Dec 1;295:305-315.

Maternal diseases and risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy across gestational age groups.
Sole KB, Staff AC, Laine K.
Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021 Aug;25:25-33.

Apremilast for genital erosive lichen planus in women (the AP-GELP Study): study protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Skullerud KH, Gjersvik P, Pripp AH, Qvigstad E, Helgesen ALO.
Trials. 2021 Jul 20;22(1):469.

The impact of cardiovascular diseases on maternal deaths in the Nordic countries.
Nyfløt LT, Johansen M, Mulic-Lutvica A, Gissler M, Bødker B, Bremme K, Ellingsen L, Vangen S.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021 Jul;100(7):1273-1279.

Satisfaction with maternity care among recent migrants: an interview questionnaire-based study.
Bains S, Sundby J, Lindskog BV, Vangen S, Diep LM, Owe KM, Sorbye IK.
BMJ Open. 2021 Jul 16;11(7):e048077.

Newly Arrived Migrant Women's Experience of Maternity Health Information: A Face-to-Face Questionnaire Study in Norway.
Bains S, Sundby J, Lindskog BV, Vangen S, Sørbye IK.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 15;18(14):7523.

Healthcare professionals' perceptions of dignity-preserving care for older home-dwelling women with incurable cancer in Norway.
Staats K, Christensen K, Grov EK, Husebø BS, Tranvåg O.
J Women Aging. 2022 Sep-Oct;34(5):567-581.

Optimizing a knowledge translation intervention: a qualitative formative study to capture knowledge translation needs in nursing homes.
Steinskog TD, Tranvåg O, Nortvedt MW, Ciliska D, Graverholt B.
BMC Nurs. 2021 Jun 21;20(1):106.

The Tampon Test as a Primary Outcome Measure in Provoked Vestibulodynia: A Mixed Methods Study.
Kaarbø MB, Danielsen KG, Haugstad GK, Helgesen ALO, Wojniusz S.
J Sex Med. 2021 Jun;18(6):1083-1091.

Association between Maternal Origin, Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Caesarean Section: A Nation-Wide Registry Study.
Jatta F, Sundby J, Vangen S, Lindskog BV, Sørbye IK, Owe KM.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2021; 18(11):5938.

Subclinical Cardiac Organ Damage in Patients with Moderate to Severe Psoriasis.
Linde A, Gerdts E, Tveit K.S, Kringeland E, Midtbø H.
J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2440.

A qualitative study of Norwegian first-time mothers' information needs in pre-admission early labour.
Myhre EL, Lukasse M, Reigstad MM, Holmstedt V, Dahl B.
Midwifery. 2021 Sep;100:103016.

COVID-19 in pregnancy - characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women admitted to hospital because of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Nordic countries.
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Female genital mutilation/cutting, timing of deinfibulation, and risk of cesarean section.
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Time-lapse imaging derived morphokinetic variables reveal association with implantation and live birth following in vitro fertilization: A retrospective study using data from transferred human embryos.
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Dignity and loss of dignity: Experiences of older women living with incurable cancer at home.
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Maternal body mass index and risk of obstetric, maternal, and neonatal outcomes: A cohort study of nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labor.
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Validation of Assisted Reproductive Technology in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway Versus the Norwegian Prescription Database.
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Induction of labor and nulliparity: A nationwide clinical practice pilot evaluation.
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The impact of umbilical vein blood flow and glucose concentration on blood flow distribution to the fetal liver and systemic organs in healthy pregnancies.
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Inaccurate reporting in an article about pediatric cancers after in vitro fertilization in Israel.
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Home-dwelling persons with dementia's perception on care support: Qualitative study.
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Risk of cardiovascular disease after preventive salpingo-oophorectomy.
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The provision of epidural analgesia during labor according to maternal birthplace: a Norwegian register study.
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Seasonal and pandemic influenza during pregnancy and risk of fetal death: A Norwegian registry-based cohort study.
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Elevated Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Activity Early in Pregnancy Predicts Prediabetes 5 Years Later.
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Botteri E, Støer NC, Weiderpass E, Pukkala E, Ylikorkala O, Lyytinen H.
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Maternal outcome after complete uterine rupture.
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The effectiveness of surgical interventions for women with FGM/C: a systematic review.
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Current guidelines for BRCA testing of breast cancer patients are insufficient to detect all mutation carriers.
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Transplacental nutrient transfer in the human in vivo determined by 4 vessel sampling.
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Maternal deaths in the Nordic countries.
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Fotodynamisk behandling av vulvasykdom.
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Use of hormone replacement therapy after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy.
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Kreftrisiko etter fertilitetsbehandling i Norge.
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Sletner L, Jenum AK, Yajnik CS, Mørkrid K, Nakstad B, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Birkeland KI, Vangen S.
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Literature review on cancer risk in children born after fertility treatment suggests increased risk of haematological cancers.
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Reigstad MM, Storeng R, Myklebust TA, Oldereid NB, Omland AK, Robsahm TE, Brinton LA, Vangen S, Furu K, Larsen IK.
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Nyfløt LT, Sandven I, Stray-Pedersen B, Pettersen S, Al-Zirqi I, Rosenberg M, Jacobsen AF, Vangen S.
Risk factors for severe postpartum hemorrhage: a case-control study.
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Asadi-Azarbaijani B, Santos RR, Jahnukainen K, Braber S, van Duursen MB, Toppari J, Saugstad OD, Nurmio M, Oskam IC.
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Assisted reproductive technology and severe postpartum haemorrhage: a case-control study.
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Exercise during pregnancy and risk of cesarean delivery in nulliparous women: a large population-based cohort study.
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Ovarian cancer mortality trends: which factors are involved?
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Risk factors for complete uterine rupture.
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Exercise in pregnancy: an association with placental weight?
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Masked hypertension in obesity: potential predictors and arterial damage.
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Majak GB, Sandven I, Lorentzen B, Vangen S, Reisaeter AV, Henriksen T, Michelsen TM.
Pregnancy outcomes following maternal kidney transplantation: a national cohort study.
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Herstad L, Klungsøyr K, Skjærven R, Tanbo T, Forsén L, Åbyholm T, Vangen S.
Elective cesarean section or not? Maternal age and risk of adverse outcomes at term: a population-based registry study of low-risk primiparous women.
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Postmenopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer prognostic characteristics. A linkage between nation-wide registries.
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Richardsen KR, Falk RS, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Martinsen EW, Ommundsen Y, Berntsen S.
Predicting who fails to meet the physical activity guideline in pregnancy: a prospective study of objectively recorded physical activity in a population-based multi-ethnic cohort.
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Objectively recorded physical activity in pregnancy and postpartum in a multi-ethnic cohort: association with access to recreational areas in the neighbourhood.
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Chapter 28 Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and eclampsia.
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Ethnic differences in blood pressure from early pregnancy to postpartum: a Norwegian cohort study.
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Authors' reply re: Uterine rupture: trends over 40 years.
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Caesarean births among migrant women in high-income countries.
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Variations in gestational length and preterm delivery by race, ethnicity and migration.
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Urquia ML, Sørbye IK, Wanigaratne S.
Birth-weight charts and immigrant populations: A critical review.
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Chronic stress in mice remodels lymph vasculature to promote tumour cell dissemination.
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Bjelland EK, Owe KM, Pingel R, Kristiansson P, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M.
Pelvic pain after childbirth: a longitudinal population study.
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Risk of Cancer in Children Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technology.
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Postmenopausal hormone therapy and the risk of breast cancer in Norway.
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Johansen N, Liavaag AH, Tanbo TG, Dahl AA, Pripp AH, Michelsen TM.
Sexual activity and functioning after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy: Impact of hormone replacement therapy.
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Positive predictive values by mammographic density and screening mode in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program.
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The Nordic Health Registries: an important part of modern medical research.
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Pelvic pain after childbirth: a longitudinal population study.
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Cross-national comparison of screening mammography accuracy measures in U.S., Norway, and Spain.
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Mammographic density and histopathologic characteristics of screen-detected tumors in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program.
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Mode of detection: an independent prognostic factor for women with breast cancer.
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Women treated with breast conserving surgery do better than those with mastectomy independent of detection mode, prognostic and predictive tumor characteristics.
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Owe KM, Bjelland EK, Stuge B, Orsini N, Eberhard-Gran M, Vangen S.
Exercise level before pregnancy and engaging in high-impact sports reduce the risk of pelvic girdle pain: a population-based cohort study of 39 184 women.
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Størksen HT, Garthus-Niegel S, Adams SS, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M.
Fear of childbirth and elective caesarean section: a population-based study.
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Urquia ML, Sørbye IK, Wanigaratne S.
Birth-weight charts and immigrant populations: A critical review.
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2016 Apr;32:69-76.

Sørbye IK, Wanigaratne S, Urquia ML.
Variations in gestational length and preterm delivery by race, ethnicity and migration.
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2016 Apr;32:60-8.

Sorbye LM, Klungsoyr K, Samdal O, Owe K, Morken NH.
Pre-pregnant body mass index and recreational physical activity: effects on perinatal mortality in a prospective pregnancy cohort.
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Sletner L, Rasmussen S, Jenum AK, Nakstad B, Jensen OH, Vangen S.
Ethnic differences in fetal size and growth in a multi-ethnic population.
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Merry L, Vangen S, Small R.
Caesarean births among migrant women in high-income countries.
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2016 Apr;32:88-99.

Vandraas KF, Grjibovski AM, Støer NC, Troisi R, Stephansson O, Ording AG, Vangen S, Grotmol T, Vikanes ÅV.
Hyperemesis gravidarum and maternal cancer risk, a Scandinavian nested case-control study.
Int J Cancer. 2015 Sep 1;137(5):1209-16.

Reigstad MM, Larsen IK, Myklebust TÅ, Robsahm TE, Oldereid NB, Omland AK, Vangen S, Brinton LA, Storeng R.
Cancer risk among parous women following assisted reproductive technology.
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Helgesen AL, Warloe T, Pripp AH, Kirschner R, Peng Q, Tanbo T, Gjersvik P.
Vulvovaginal photodynamic therapy versus topical corticosteroids in genital erosive lichen planus: a randomized controlled trial.
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Asadi Azarbaijani B, Sheikhi M, Oskam IC, Nurmio M, Laine T, Tinkanen H, Mäkinen S, Tanbo TG, Hovatta O, Jahnukainen K.
Effect of Previous Chemotherapy on the Quality of Cryopreserved Human Ovarian Tissue In Vitro.
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Asadi-Azarbaijani B, Sheikhi M, Nurmio M, Tinkanen H, Juvonen V, Dunkel L, Hovatta O, Oskam IC, Jahnukainen K.
Minimal residual disease of leukemia and the quality of cryopreserved human ovarian tissue in vitro.
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The role of cardiac output monitoring in obstetric anesthesia.
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Autotransplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue after treatment for malignant disease - the first Norwegian results.
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Botid i Norge og svangerskapskomplikasjoner.
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Ten modifiers of BRCA1 penetrance validated in a Norwegian series.
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Vandraas KF, Vikanes ÅV, Støer NC, Troisi R, Stephansson O, Sørensen HT, Vangen S, Magnus P, Grjibovski AM, Grotmol T.
Hyperemesis gravidarum and risk of cancer in offspring, a Scandinavian registry-based nested case-control study.
BMC Cancer. 2015 May 13;15(1):398.

Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsén L, Daltveit AK, Vangen S.
Uterine rupture: trends over 40 years.
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Ethnic differences in postpartum weight retention: a Norwegian cohort study.
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Reigstad MM, Larsen IK, Myklebust TA, Robsahm TE, Oldereid NB, Omland AK, Vangen S, Brinton LA, Storeng R.
Risk of breast cancer following fertility treatment-A registry based cohort study of parous women in Norway.
Int J Cancer. 2015 Mar 1;136(5):1140-8.

Holme AM, Roland MC, Lorentzen B, Michelsen TM, Henriksen T.
Placental glucose transfer: a human in vivo study.
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Weight in early pregnancy and outcomes in early infancy.
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Fragmentation of human cleavage-stage embryos is related to the progression through meiotic and mitotic cell cycles.
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Urquia ML, Glazier RH, Gagnon AJ, Mortensen LH, Nybo Andersen AM, Janevic T, Guendelman S, Thornton D, Bolumar F, Río Sánchez I, Small R, Davey MA, Hjern A; ROAM Collaboration.
Disparities in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia among immigrant women giving birth in six industrialised countries.
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Bjelland EK, Owe KM, Stuge B, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M.
Breastfeeding and pelvic girdle pain: a follow-up study of 10 603 women 18 months after delivery.
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Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Berntsen S, Sletner L, Richardsen KR, Vangen S, Holme I, Birkeland KI.
Objectively recorded physical activity and the association with gestational diabetes.
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Maternal life course socio-economic position and offspring body composition at birth in a multi-ethnic population.
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Roman M, Skaane P, Hofvind S.
The cumulative risk of false-positive screening results across screening centres in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program.
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Sørbye IK, Daltveit AK, Sundby J, Stoltenberg C, Vangen S.
Caesarean section by immigrants' length of residence in Norway: a population-based study.
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Henriksen L, Schei B, Vangen S, Lukasse M.
Sexual violence and mode of delivery: a population-based cohort study.
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Herstad L, Klungsøyr K, Skjaerven R, Tanbo T, Forsén L, Abyholm T, Vangen S.
Maternal age and emergency operative deliveries at term: a population-based registry study among low-risk primiparous women.
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Evenson KR, Mottola MF, Owe KM, Rousham EK, Brown WJ.
Summary of international guidelines for physical activity after pregnancy.
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Sørbye IK, Daltveit AK, Sundby J, Vangen S.
Preterm subtypes by immigrants' length of residence in Norway: a population-based study.
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Helgesen AL, Gjersvik P, Peng Q, Vasovic V, Pripp AH, Jebsen P, Tanbo T, Warloe T.
Biodistribution of protoporphyrin IX in female genital erosive lichen planus after topical application of hexaminolevulinate.
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Gagnon AJ, DeBruyn R, Essén B, Gissler M, Heaman M, Jeambey Z, Korfker D, McCourt C, Roth C, Zeitlin J, Small R; ROAM Collaboration.
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Objectively recorded physical activity in early pregnancy: A multiethnic population-based study.
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Eidem I, Vangen S, Henriksen T, Vollset SE, Hanssen KF, Joner G, Stene LC.
Discrepancy in term calculation from second trimester ultrasound scan versus last menstrual period in women with type 1 diabetes.
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Leisure Time Physical Activity and the Risk of Pre-eclampsia: A Systematic Review.
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Maternal deaths in Norway 2005-2009.
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The Norwegian PMS2 founder mutation c.989-1G > T shows high penetrance of microsatellite instable cancers with normal immunohistochemistry.
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Evenson KR, Barakat R, Brown WJ, Dargent-Molina P, Haruna M, Mikkelsen EM, Mottola MF, Owe KM, Rousham EK, Yeo S.
Guidelines for Physical Activity during Pregnancy: Comparisons From Around the World.
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Shape Information in Repeated Glucose Curves during Pregnancy Provided Significant Physiological Information for Neonatal Outcomes.
PLoS One. 2014 Mar 11;9(3):e90798.

Michelsen TM, Vangen S, Henriksen T.
Cesarean sections and fetal death rates.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2014 Mar;93(3):312-3.

Sørbye IK, Stoltenberg C, Sundby J, Daltveit AK, Vangen S.
Stillbirth and infant death among generations of Pakistani immigrant descent: a population-based study.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2014 Feb;93(2):168-74.

Helbig A, Kaasen A, Malt UF, Haugen G.
Maternal psychological distress and placental circulation in pregnancies after a previous offspring with congenital malformation.
PLoS One. 2014 Jan 27;9(1):e86597.

Sommer C, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Mosdøl A, Birkeland KI.
Weight gain, total fat gain and regional fat gain during pregnancy and the association with gestational diabetes: a population-based cohort study.
Int J Obes (Lond). 2014 Jan;38(1):76-81.

Stensen MH, Tanbo T, Storeng R, Fedorcsak P.
Advanced glycation end products and their receptor contribute to ovarian ageing.
Hum Reprod. 2014 Jan;38(1):76-81


Vandraas K, Vikanes A, Vangen S, Magnus P, Støer N, Grjibovski A.
Hyperemesis gravidarum and birth outcomes-a population-based cohort study of 2.2 million births in the Norwegian Birth Registry.
BJOG. 2013 Dec;120(13):1654-60.

Henriksen L, Vangen S, Schei B, Lukasse M.
Sexual violence and antenatal hospitalization.
Birth. 2013 Dec;40(4):281-8.

Bjelland EK, Kristiansson P, Nordeng H, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M.
Hormonal contraception and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy: a population study of 91 721 pregnancies in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort.
Hum Reprod. 2013 Nov;28(11):3134-40.

Strøm-Roum EM, Haavaldsen C, Tanbo TG, Eskild A.
Paternal age, placental weight and placental to birthweight ratio: a population-based study of 590 835 pregnancies.
Hum Reprod. 2013 Nov;28(11):3126-33.

Vandraas KF, Vikanes AV, Støer NC, Vangen S, Magnus P, Grjibovski AM.
Is hyperemesis gravidarum associated with placental weight and the placental weight-to-birth weight ratio? A population-based Norwegian cohort study.
Placenta. 2013 Nov;34(11):990-4.

Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsén L, Daltveit AK, Vangen S; The NUR group.
Validation study of uterine rupture registration in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2013 Sep;92(9):1086-93.

Sletner L, Nakstad B, Yajnik CS, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Vårdal MH, Holme IM, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK.
Ethnic Differences in Neonatal Body Composition in a Multi-Ethnic Population and the Impact of Parental Factors: A Population-Based Cohort Study.
PLoS ONE 8(8): e73058.

Opøien HK, Fedorcsak P, Polec A, Stensen MH, Abyholm T, Tanbo T.
Do endometriomas induce an inflammatory reaction in nearby follicles?
Hum Reprod. 2013 Jul;28(7):1837-45.

Strøm-Roum EM, Haavaldsen C, Tanbo TG, Eskild A.
Placental weight relative to birthweight in pregnancies with maternal diabetes mellitus.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2013 Jul;92(7):783-9.

Kaasen A, Helbig A, Malt UF, Naes T, Skari H, Haugen GN.
Paternal psychological response after ultrasonographic detection of structural fetal anomalies with a comparison to maternal response: a cohort study.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2013 Jul 12;13(1):147.

Sommer C, Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Andersen LF, Birkeland KI, Mosdøl A.
Ethnic differences in maternal dietary patterns are largely explained by socio-economic score and integration score: a population-based study.
Food Nutr Res. 2013 Jul 8;57.

Estensen ME, Beitnes JO, Grindheim G, Aaberge L, Smiseth OA, Henriksen T, Aakhus S.
Altered maternal left ventricular contractility and function during normal pregnancy.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Jun;41(6):659-66.    

Engeland A, Bjørge T, Daltveit AK, Skurtveit S, Vangen S, Vollset SE, Furu K.
Effects of preconceptional paternal drug exposure on birth outcomes: cohort study of 340 000 pregnancies using Norwegian population-based databases.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Apr;75(4):1134-41.

Jahnukainen K, Tinkanen H, Wikström A, Dunkel L, Saarinen-Pihkala UM, Mäkinen S, Asadi Azarbaijani B, Oskam IC, Vettenranta K, Laine T, Kairisto V, Juvonen V.
Bone marrow remission status predicts leukemia contamination in ovarian biopsies collected for fertility preservation.
Leukemia. 2013 Apr;27(5):1183-5.

Bjelland EK, Stuge B, Vangen S, Stray-Pedersen B, Eberhard-Gran M.
Mode of delivery and persistence of pelvic girdle syndrome 6 months postpartum.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Apr;208(4):298.e1-7.

Størksen HT, Garthus-Niegel S, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M.
The impact of previous birth experiences on maternal fear of childbirth.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2013 Mar;92(3):318-24.

Simonsen TB, Wahl AK, Vangen S, Eberhard-Gran M.
Do previous abortions cause fear of childbirth?
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2013 Mar 19;133(6):635-9.

Jenum AK, Sommer C, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Bærug A, Mosdøl A.
Adiposity and hyperglycaemia in pregnancy and related health outcomes in European ethnic minorities of Asian and African origin: a review.
Food Nutr Res. 2013;57.

Brekke I, Berg JE, Sletner L, Jenum AK.
Doctor-certified sickness absence in first and second trimesters of pregnancy among native and immigrant women in Norway.
Scand J Public Health. 2013 Mar;41(2):166-73.

Helbig A, Kaasen A, Malt UF, Haugen G.
Does antenatal maternal psychological distress affect placental circulation in the third trimester?
PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e57071.

Michelsen TM, Dørum A, Cvancarova M, Liavaag AH, Dahl AA.
Association between Hysterectomy with Ovarian Preservation and Cardiovascular Disease in a Norwegian Population-Based Sample. 
Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2013;75(1):61-7.

Frøslie KF, Røislien J, Qvigstad E, Godang K, Bollerslev J, Voldner N, Henriksen T, Veierød MB.
Shape information from glucose curves: Functional data analysis compared with traditional summary measures.
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2013 Jan 17;13:6.

Berntsen S, Richardsen KR, Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK.
Objectively recorded physical activity in early pregnancy: A multiethnic population-based study.
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012 Dec 27.

Sachse D, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI, Rise F, Piehler AP, Berg JP.
Metabolic Changes in Urine during and after Pregnancy in a Large, Multiethnic Population-Based Cohort Study of Gestational Diabetes.
PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52399.

Storeng R, Vangen S, Omland AK, Oldereid N.
Infertilitetsbehandling og kreftrisiko
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2012 Nov 27;132(22):2494-2499.

Bø K, Pauck Øglund G, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK.
The prevalence of urinary incontinence in pregnancy among a multi-ethnic population resident in Norway.
BJOG. 2012 Oct;119(11):1354-60.

Lerang K, Gilboe I, Garen T, Thelle DS, Gran JT.
High incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus in Norway.
Lupus. 2012 Oct;21(12):1362-9.

Vikanes A, Magnus P, Vangen S, Lomsdal S, Grjibovski AM.
Hyperemesis gravidarum in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway - a validity study.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012 Oct 24;12:115.

Johnson LK, Andersen LF, Hofsø D, Aasheim ET, Holven KB, Sandbu R, Røislien J, Hjelmesæth J.
Dietary changes in obese patients undergoing gastric bypass or lifestyle intervention: a clinical trial.
Br J Nutr. 2012 Oct 30:1-8.

Engeland A, Bjørge T, Daltveit AK, Skurtveit S, Vangen S, Vollset SE, Furu K.
Effects of preconceptional paternal drug exposure on birth outcomes: cohort study of 340,000 pregnancies using Norwegian population-based databases.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Aug 17.

Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Vårdal MH, Waage CW, Nakstad B, Vangen S, Birkeland KI.
Failure to increase insulin secretory capacity during pregnancy-induced insulin resistance is associated with ethnicity and gestational diabetes.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Aug 13.

Lukasse M, Henriksen L, Vangen S, Schei B.
Sexual violence and pregnancy-related physical symptoms.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012 Aug 11;12(1):83.

Haugan B, Langerud AK, Kalvøy H, Frøslie KF, Riise E, Kapstad H.
Can we trust the new generation of infrared tympanic thermometers in clinical practice?
J Clin Nurs. 2012 Aug 4.

Estensen ME, Grindheim G, Remme EW, Swillens A, Smiseth OA, Segers P, Henriksen T, Aakhus S.
Systemic arterial response and ventriculo-arterial interaction during normal pregnancy.
Am J Hypertens. 2012 Jun;25(6):672-7.

Rydwik E, Bergland A, Forsén L, Frändin K.
Investigation into the reliability and validity of the measurement of elderly people's clinical walking speed: a systematic review.
Physiother Theory Pract. 2012 Apr;28(3):238-56.

Lerang K, Gilboe IM, Gran JT.
Differences between rheumatologists and other internists regarding diagnosis and treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Apr;51(4):663-9.

Aasheim ET, Johnson LK, Hofsø D, Bøhmer T, Hjelmesæth J.
Vitamin status after gastric bypass and lifestyle intervention: a comparative prospective study.
Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2012 Mar-Apr;8(2):169-75.

Herstad L, Klungsøyr K, Skjaerven R, Tanbo T, Eidem I, Forsén L, Åbyholm T, Vangen S.
Maternal age and elective cesarean section in a low-risk population.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012 Mar 21.

Opøien HK, Fedorcsak P, Omland AK, Abyholm T, Bjercke S, Ertzeid G, Oldereid N, Mellembakken JR, Tanbo T.
In vitro fertilization is a successful treatment in endometriosis-associated infertility.
Fertil Steril. 2012 Feb 14.

Grindheim G, Estensen ME, Langesaeter E, Rosseland LA, Toska K.
Changes in blood pressure during healthy pregnancy: a longitudinal cohort study.
J Hypertens. 2012 Feb;30(2):342-50.

Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Vangen S, Torper JL, Nakstad B, Voldner N, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Berntsen S, Mosdøl A, Skrivarhaug T, Vårdal MH, Holme I, Yajnik CS, Birkeland KI.
Impact of ethnicity on gestational diabetes identified with the WHO and the modified International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria: a population-based cohort study.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Feb;166(2):317-324.

Larsen KL, Maanum G, Frøslie KF, Jahnsen R
Ambulant adults with spastic cerebral palsy: The validity of lower limb joint angle measurements from sagittal video recordings.
Gait Posture 2012 Feb;35(2):186-91.

Kaasen A, Helbig A, Malt UF, Godang K, Bollerslev J, Naes T, Haugen G.
The relation of psychological distress to salivary and serum cortisol levels in pregnant women shortly after the diagnosis of a structural fetal anomaly.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012 Jan;91(1):68-78.

Grindheim G, Toska K, Estensen ME, Rosseland LA.
Changes in pulmonary function during pregnancy: a longitudinal cohort study.
BJOG. 2012 Jan;119(1):94-101.

Johnson LK, Hofsø D, Aasheim ET, Tanbo T, Holven KB, Andersen LF, Røislien J, Hjelmesæth J.
Impact of gender on vitamin D deficiency in morbidly obese patients: a cross-sectional study.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Jan;66(1):83-90.

Brevik A, Rusnakova V, Duale N, Slagsvold HH, Olsen AK, Storeng R, Kubista M, Brunborg G, Lindeman B.
Preconceptional paternal glycidamide exposure affects embryonic gene expression: Single embryo gene expression study following in vitro fertilization.
Reprod Toxicol. 2011 Dec;32(4):463-71.

Helbig A, Kaasen A, Malt U F, Haugen G
Psychological distress after recent detection of fetal malformation: short-term effect on second-trimester uteroplacental and fetoplacental circulation.
BJOG 2011 Dec;118(13):1653-7.

Fretheim A, Tanbo T, Vangen S, Reinar LM, Røttingen JA.
Use of manual techniques for perineal support in Norwegian maternity departments.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2011 Nov 29;131(23):2352-2354.

Frøslie K F, Godang K, Bollerslev J, Henriksen T, Røislien J, Veierød M B, Qvigstad E
Correction of an unexpected increasing trend in glucose measurements during 7 years recruitment to a cohort study.
Clin Biochem 2011 Dec;44(17-18):1483-6.

Gagnon AJ, McDermott S, Rigol-Chachamovich J, Bandyopadhyay M, Stray-Pedersen B, Stewart D; ROAM Collaboration.
International migration and gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2011 Nov;25(6):575-92.

Gultekin Murat, Dursun Polat, Vranes Boris, Laky Rene, Bossart Michaela, Grabowski Jacek P, Piek Jurgen M J, Manchanda Ranjit, Grimm Christoph, Dallaku Kastriot, Babloyan Syuzanna, Moisei Anna, Van Gorp Toon, Cadron Isabelle, Markov Peter, Micevska Ana, Halaska Michael, Steffensen Karina Dahl, Gristsenko Liidia, Nissi Ritva, Lambaudie Eric, Tsitsishvili Zaza, Haidopoulos Dimitrios, Tsolakidis Dimitrios, Novak Zoltan, Peiretti Michele, Dunenova Gauhar, Macuks Ronalds, Hetland Thea E, Michelsen Trond M, Martins Filipe C, Achimas-Cadariu Patriciu, Ulrikh Elena A, Uharcek Peter, Malic Sladjana, Ognjenovic Dejan, Zapardiel Ignacio, Johann Silke, Sukhin Vladyslav S, Manchanda Ranjit
Gynecologic oncology training systems in europe: a report from the European network of young gynaecological oncologists.
Int J Gynecol Cancer 2011 Nov;21(8):1500-6.

Magnus MC, Håberg SE, Stigum H, Nafstad P, London SJ, Vangen S, Nystad W.
Delivery by Cesarean Section and Early Childhood Respiratory Symptoms and Disorders: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study.
Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Oct 29.

Hofsø D, Aasheim ET, Søvik TT, Jakobsen GS, Johnson LK, Sandbu R, Aas AT, Kristinsson J, Hjelmesæth J
Follow-up after bariatric surgery.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2011 Oct;131(19):1887-92.

Sørbye IK
Cesarean section in Tanzania.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2011 Oct;131(20):1982.

Polec A, Ráki M, Åbyholm T, Tanbo TG, Fedorcsák P
Interaction between granulosa-lutein cells and monocytes regulates secretion of angiogenic factors in vitro.
Hum Reprod 2011 Oct;26(10):2819-29.

Craven L, Elson JL, Irving L, Tuppen HA, Lister LM, Greggains GD, Byerley S, Murdoch AP, Herbert M, Turnbull D
Mitochondrial DNA disease: new options for prevention.
Hum Mol Genet 2011 Oct;20(R2):R168-74.

Opøien H K, Fedorcsak P, Byholm T, Tanbo T
Complete surgical removal of minimal and mild endometriosis improves outcome of subsequent IVF/ICSI treatment.
Reprod Biomed Online 2011 Sep;23(3):389-95.

Michelsen TM, Iversen OE
Mass examination for gynecological cancer--status and future.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2011 Aug;131(16):1550-3.

Sørbye IK, Davis AP
Maternal health in Somalia--from doing something to making a difference?
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2011 Aug;131(15):1441-4.

Eidem I, Vangen S, Hanssen KF, Vollset SE, Henriksen T, Joner G, Stene LC.
Perinatal and infant mortality in term and preterm births among women with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetologia. 2011 Nov;54(11):2771-8.

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Netrin-4 is upregulated in breast carcinoma effusions compared to corresponding solid tumors.
Diagn Cytopathol. 2011 Aug;39(8):562-6.

Sorbye IK, Vangen S, Oneko O, Sundby J, Bergsjo P.
Caesarean section among referred and self-referred birthing women: a cohort study from a tertiary hospital, northeastern Tanzania.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2011 Jul 28;11(1):55.

Jammeh A, Sundby J, Vangen S.
Barriers to emergency obstetric care services in perinatal deaths in rural gambia: a qualitative in-depth interview study.
ISRN Obstet Gynecol. 2011;2011:981096.

Langesæter E, Dyer RA
Maternal haemodynamic changes during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2011 Jun;24(3):242-8.

Bentzen H, Bergland A, Forsén L
Diagnostic accuracy of three types of fall risk methods for predicting falls in nursing homes.
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Sjøveian S, Vangen S, Mukwege D, Onsrud M.
Surgical outcome of obstetric fistula: a retrospective analysis of 595 patients.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2011 May 4.

Bjerke SE, Vangen S, Holter E, Stray-Pedersen B.
Infectious immune status in an obstetric population of Pakistani immigrants in Norway.
Scand J Public Health. 2011 Feb 21.

Engeland A, Bjørge T, Daltveit AK, Skurtveit S, Vangen S, Vollset SE, Furu K.
Risk of diabetes after gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. A registry-based study of 230,000 women in Norway.
Eur J Epidemiol. 2011 Feb;26(2):157-63.

Yuan Y, Dong HP, Nymoen DA, Nesland JM, Wu C, Davidson B.
PINCH-2 expression in cancers involving serosal effusions using quantitative PCR.
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Lukasse M, Vangen S, Oian P, Schei B.
Fear of childbirth, women's preference for cesarean section and childhood abuse: a longitudinal study.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2011 Jan;90(1):33-40.

Langesæter E, Rosseland L A, Stubhaug A
Haemodynamic effects of oxytocin in women with severe preeclampsia.
Int J Obstet Anesth 2011 Jan;20(1):26-9.

Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Vangen S.
Incidence and risk factors of severe obstetric hemorrhage.
J Coagul Disord. 2010 Dec 23;2(3)

Lukasse M, Vangen S, Øian P, Kumle M, Ryding EL, Schei B; Bidens Study Group.
Childhood abuse and fear of childbirth--a population-based study.
Birth. 2010 Dec;37(4):267-74

Eidem I, Stene LC, Henriksen T, Hanssen KF, Vangen S, Vollset SE, Joner G.
Congenital anomalies in newborns of women with type 1 diabetes: nationwide population-based study in Norway, 1999-2004.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2010 Nov;89(11):1403-11.

Hofsø D, Nordstrand N, Johnson LK, Karlsen TI, Hager H, Jenssen T, Bollerslev J, Godang K, Sandbu R, Røislien J, Hjelmesaeth J.
Obesity-related cardiovascular risk factors after weight loss: a clinical trial comparing gastric bypass surgery and intensive lifestyle intervention.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2010 Nov;163(5):735-45.

Frøslie KF, Røislien J, Laake P, Henriksen T, Qvigstad E, Veierød MB.
Categorisation of continuous exposure variables revisited. A response to the Hyperglycaemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study.
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2010 Nov 9;10:103.

Jenum AK, Sletner L, Voldner N, Vangen S, Mørkrid K, Andersen LF, Nakstad B, Skrivarhaug T, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Roald B, Birkeland KI.
The STORK Groruddalen research programme: A population-based cohort study of gestational diabetes, physical activity, and obesity in pregnancy in a multiethnic population. Rationale, methods, study population, and participation rates.
Scand J Public Health. 2010 Nov;38(5 Suppl):60-70.

Storeng R.
Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is used too seldom!
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2010 Oct 7;130(19):1911.

Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsén L, Vangen S.
Changing trends: uterine rupture in the UK.
BJOG. 2010 Oct;117(11):1429-30.

Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsén L, Vangen S.
Can vaginal birth after caesarean be justified?
BJOG. 2010 Oct;117(11):1428.

Bjerke SE, Holter E, Vangen S, Stray-Pedersen B.
Sexually transmitted infections among Pakistani pregnant women and their husbands in Norway.
Int J Womens Health. 2010 Sep 6;2:303-9.

Mellembakken JR, Engh V, Tanbo T, Czernobilsky B, Edelstein E, Lunde O, Roth LM.
Mitotically active cellular luteinized thecoma of the ovary and luteinized thecomatosis associated with sclerosing peritonitis: Case studies, comparison, and review of the literature.
Pathol Res Pract. 2010 Aug 7.

Vikanes A, Grjibovski AM, Vangen S, Gunnes N, Samuelsen SO, Magnus P.
Maternal body composition, smoking, and hyperemesis gravidarum.
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Wang Y, Tanbo T, Åbyholm T, Henriksen T.
The impact of advanced maternal age and parity on obstetric and perinatal outcomes in singleton gestations.
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Bjercke S, Tanbo T, Abyholm T, Omland A, Opøien HK, Fedorcsak P.
Clinical outcome following stimulation with highly purified hMG or recombinant FSH in patients undergoing their first treatment cycle of IVF or ICSI.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2010 Jul 6.

Helgesen AL, Gjersvik P, Jebsen P, Kirschner R, Tanbo T.
Vaginal involvement in genital erosive lichen planus.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2010 Jul;89(7):966-70.

Jammeh A, Vangen S, Sundby J.
Stillbirths in rural hospitals in the gambia: a cross-sectional retrospective study.
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Hanevik HI, Hilmarsen HT, Skjelbred CF, Tanbo T, Kahn JA.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the anti-Müllerian hormone signalling pathway do not determine high or low response to ovarian stimulation.
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Norby GE, Lerang K, Holdaas H, Gran JT, Strøm EH, Draganov B, Os I, Hartmann A, Gilboe IM.
Lupus-nephritis--diagnosis and treatment.
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Lukasse M, Vangen S, Oian P, Schei B.
Childhood abuse and caesarean section among primiparous women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study.
BJOG. 2010 Jun 8.

Godang K, Qvigstad E, Voldner N, Isaksen GA, Frøslie KF, Nøtthellen J, Henriksen T, Bollerslev J.
Assessing body composition in healthy newborn infants: reliability of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.
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Kaasen A, Helbig A, Malt U, Næs T, Skari H, Haugen G.
Acute maternal social dysfunction, health perception and psychological distress after ultrasonographic detection of a fetal structural anomaly.
BJOG. 2010 May 28.

Vikanes A, Skjaerven R, Grjibovski AM, Gunnes N, Vangen S, Magnus P.
Recurrence of hyperemesis gravidarum across generations: population based cohort study.
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Bergsjø P, Vangen S, Lie RT, Lyatuu R, Lie-Nielsen E, Oneko O.
Recording of maternal deaths in an East African university hospital.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2010 Apr 16.

Stensen MH, Tanbo T, Storeng R, Åbyholm T, Fèdorcsak P.
Routine morphological scoring systems in assisted reproduction treatment fail to reflect age-related impairment of oocyte and embryo quality.
Reprod Biomed Online. 2010 Mar 28.

Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsén L, Vangen S.
Uterine rupture after previous caesarean section.
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International migration and adverse birth outcomes: role of ethnicity, region of origin and destination.
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Oldereid NB, Åbyholm T, Tanbo TG.
Spermatogenesis and fertility outcome in male hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism.
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Voldner N, Qvigstad E, Frøslie KF, Godang K, Henriksen T, Bollerslev J.
Increased risk of macrosomia among overweight women with high gestational rise in fasting glucose.
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Fedorcsák P, Polec A, Ráki M, Holm R, Jebsen P, Abyholm T.
Differential Release of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases by Human Granulosa-Lutein Cells and Ovarian Leukocytes.
Endocrinology. 2010 Jan 12.

Yuan Y, Nymoen DA, Stavnes HT, Rosnes AK, Bjørang O, Wu C, Nesland JM, Davidson B.
Tenascin-X is a novel diagnostic marker of malignant mesothelioma.
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Al-Zirqi I, Vangen S, Forsén L, Stray-Pedersen B.
Effects of onset of labor and mode of delivery on severe postpartum hemorrhage.
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Migration to western industrialised countries and perinatal health: A systematic review.
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Lukasse M, Schei B, Vangen S, Øian P.
Childhood abuse and common complaints in pregnancy.
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Kaasen A, Haugen G.
Psykiske og hormonelle reaksjoner i svangerskapet relatert til funn av utviklingsavvik hos fosteret.
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Yuan Y, Nymoen DA, Dong HP, Bjørang O, Shih IM, Low PS, Trope' CG, Davidson B.
Expression of the folate receptor genes FOLR1 and FOLR3 differentiates ovarian carcinoma from breast carcinoma and malignant mesothelioma in serous effusions.
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Eriksen HM, Saether AR, Løwer HL, Vangen S, Hjetland R, Lundmark H, Aavitsland P.
Infections after Caesarean sections.
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Availability and quality of emergency obstetric care in Gambia's main referral hospital: women-users' testimonies.
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S Vangen, A K Jenum, S Graff-Iversen, G Idland
Trengs det et kjønnsperspektiv på eldres helse?
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Birth complications, overweight, and physical inactivity.
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Eskild A, Vatten LJ, Nesheim BI, Vangen S.
The estimated risk of miscarriage should be corrected for induced abortion rates.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2009 Feb 27:1-6.

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Aromatasehemmere til unge kvinner?
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2009 Feb 26;129(5):404.

Olivennes F, Howles CM, Borini A, Germond M, Trew G, Wikland M, Zegers-Hochschild F, Saunders H, Alam V; CONSORT study group.
Individualizing FSH dose for assisted reproduction using a novel algorithm: the CONSORT study.
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Cham M, Sundby J, Vangen S.
Fetal outcome in severe maternal morbidity: too many stillbirths.
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Cellular interaction regulates Interleukin-8 secretion by granulosa-lutein cells and monocytes/macrophages.
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Somali women and their pregnancy outcomes postmigration: data from six receiving countries.
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Investigations as a prerequisite for genetic counseling after termination of pregnancy based on sonographic detection of serious central nervous system - or skeletal anomalies.
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Diabetes hos gravide født i Asia, Afrika og Norge
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Er befolkningens fruktbarhet endret?
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2008 Jan 31;128(3):330-3.

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Induksjon av spermatogenese ved hypogonadotrop hypogonadisme
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2008 Jan 31;128(3):327-9.

Schiøtz HA, Karlsen JH, Tanbo TG
Ten-year follow-up after conservative treatment of stress urinary incontinence.
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Cham M, Vangen S, Sundby J.
Maternal deaths in rural Gambia.
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Polycystic ovary syndrome: A follow-up study on diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and malignancy 15 - 25 years after ovarian wedge resection.
Gynecol Endocrinol 2007 Dec; 23 (12): 704-9 

Sundby J, Schmidt L, Heldaas K, Bugge S, Tanbo T.
Consequences of IVF among women: 10 years post-treatment.
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Sjøborg KD, Vistad I, Myhr SS, Svenningsen R, Herzog C, Kloster-Jensen A, Nygard G, Hole S, Tanbo T.
Pregnancy outcome after cervical cone excision: a case-control study.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2007;86:423-8.

Tanbo T, Ørstavik KH, Lie RT, Romundstad P, Holte TO.
Mannlig infertilitet: Intracytoplasmatisk spermieinjeksjon (ICSI) med spermier uthentet fra bitestikkel eller testikkel.
Rapport fra Kunnskapssenteret nr 7-2007. 

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Når sæden mangler spermier.
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Kryopreservering av ovarialvev
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Svangerskap og barn etter assistert befruktning.
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Ertzeid G, Fedorcsak P, Abyholm T, Tanbo T.
Assistert befruktning med ett embryo.
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Last updated 6/11/2024